Another Chapter in Life Awaits..

Another Chapter in Life Awaits..

Taking Leave

Hello my lovely people and clients. From March 2024, I will be taking leave in preparation for another addition to the family! As you can imagine, I’m very happy and grateful.. which also means I’ll be rather busy :p I want to thank you all for your ongoing support, loyalty and for making my job so rewarding and fun. Until then, I will miss seeing your beautiful faces and making you feel gorgeous everytime with my work.

However don’t worry, I will be back later this year of course to resume doing what I do best. I also have some big plans!

Stay up to date

I will still be active on my social channels with a more relaxed focus on lifestyle and social beauty articles, tips etc. You can still stay connected with me. Also, If you haven’t done so, please connect on my social media pages and sign up to the newsletter / mailing list (so that way I can update you on my return).

Thank you again for your understanding and support as always. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Until then, take care and stay fabulous! 🙂

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